Interesting articles

Our dedicated doctors, biochemists, molecular physicists, engineers, and real estate and commercial management experts have dedicated themselves to developing systems that allow your brand to reach the next level of biosafety protection.


l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec, et chercheur au Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval, et Dre Caroline Quach-Thanh, pédiatre, microbiologiste, infectiologue au CHU Sainte-Justine. Selon cette dernière, « L’a ... Lire la suite.

BioZONE+ Portable hand and footwear sanitizing zone

At the forefront of prevention strategies to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the BioZONE+ disinfection zone [link to the BioZONE+ page] offers the optimal solution to break the microbe transmission chain. Made in Quebec and in line with construction standards, this easily transportable unit can be qu ... Lire la suite.

BioSTAND+ Removable hand sanitizing station

The BioSTAND+ sanitizing station is the ideal solution to respond quickly and effectively to the existing sanitary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Easy to move, this wheeled pedestalled unit allows you to optimally ensure hand sanitizing at various strategic points in your buildings, in ... Lire la suite.